You walk into church on Sunday morning and you notice that many of the regular families are not present. You begin to look around and realize that those attending your children’s ministry will be much smaller than normal. No, the rapture did not occur with you left behind, it is summertime and families are taking vacations or spending time with extended family, etc.
Summertime can be hard on those leading children’s ministry in a small church as families take vacations. Numbers of children attending may decrease, scheduling volunteers to serve can be like putting together an intricate jigsaw puzzle as you accommodate their travel plans, and more. Often people expect all of the big ministries, like VBS, summer camps, etc which can make summertime the busiest time of year for those leading children’s ministry while others take vacations. It can be discouraging.
I want to simply take a moment to encourage you, that even though we may see the summer as a difficult time in ministry, God is still with us. Don’t focus on the numbers who are not there, focus on the ones who are and lead them to Jesus.