We Want YOU On the Name Tag Wall With Us!
If you serve in Children’s Ministry in a Small Church, here’s what you do:
- Click on the Small Church Kidmin name tag icon
to the right
- Print the full-size name tag that comes up – the bigger the better (on card stock, if you have it)
- Write your name on it in big, bold letters
- Take your photo with it
- Send it to me with your name, location and church website
You can send it in any of the following ways:
- Email to PB@SmallChurchKidmin.com
- Post it to the Small Church Kidmin Facebook Group
- Post it on Instagram and tag Small Church Kidmin
- Tweet it to me @smchurchkidmin
It’s time to declare who we are and join with others who have been blessed with the same wonderful calling to serve in children’s ministry in a Small Church.
Let’s start building a community.
I’m looking forward to adding your photo to the wall.